Wow, I just noticed this morning that my visit counter rolled over to 20,000 some time yesterday (the counter is at the bottom of the right hand column). Thanks to everyone for visiting, especially those of you who reach out with emails and comments. Presently my average visits per day are at 147, and average visit length is a whopping 2 minutes, 56 seconds. Page views are almost 50,000, not surprising for a site like this where most of the information is on the home page. I'm very proud of the regular readers (and clients) who check in every few days. You can get a glimpse into the stats for this site here.

There are now almost 500 posts on this site, many more than can fit on the home page or category pages. To find some of this buried information use the Google search box near the bottom of the right column. Be sure to click the "This site" radio button. Results that have a date or end in a number will provide the most direct information. For some reason Google indexes pages that scroll the oldest posts off the page as new entries are made, so the info you're looking for may or may not still be there.

You might also find the map in the lower left column interesting. ClusterMaps tracks the location of visitors and plots them on a map in 30 day increments, so that as the month goes by you can see where visitors are coming from. I recently upgraded from a free account so you can click on a continent and better see the distribution of visitors. In North America, you can see that Atlanta, Kansas City, North Carolina, New York and Massechusetts are big hot spots.

Thanks again, to everyone. I encourage you all to share your questions and knoweldge with everyone via the comments or by emailing me directly at [email protected].