The electrode patch, pictured at right, includes a Bluetooth radio that communicates to a PDA (a nifty looking Treo). This wireless sensor configuration has a number of advantages. Obviously, it's wireless. The disposable BioPatch provides full 12-lead data (via the EASI algorithm) from 6 leads, and you get a full 24 hours of 12 lead data. During the monitoring period (every 2 to 4 hours), data is transmitted to a central diagnostic processing center. There are also event monitor, apnea monitor and long term care flavors of the product.

Having worked on projects like this before, I would expect the BioPatch to capture significantly less noise than traditional individually-placed electrodes. Even though a holter or event recorder may only be worn for 24 to 48 hours, the type of adhesive used is very important. Establishing and maintaining patient context between the sensor (BioPatch) and gateway (the PDA) is also key, especially when multiple patients could be in close proximity (the Bluetooth radio has a range of 30 feet).

The BioPatch Systems patch is sold by Telzuit Medical Technologies, a subsidiary of Taylor Madison. You can download a copy of their corporate PowerPoint here - it describes their product, business model and key suppliers.