HIMSS Greeters
I'm on my way to HIMSS today, and really looking forward to this year's conference and exhibits.There's lots of interesting rumblings among the market segments that I follow.

There will be big news among RTLS/RFID vendors and I'm expecting some announcements from a number of connectivity companies.

As in years past, I'm attending as a contributing editor for MX Magazine. As such I've been inundated by PR folks for appointments. For the first time, I've used an online schedule to coordinate things. HIMSS only comes once a year, and I always try to make the most of it.

Meet the Bloggers

I'm very late with a post this year, but there will be a meet the bloggers gathering during the HIMSS opening reception - that's Sunday between 5 and 8 pm (here's a link). Look for the big blue and orange sign with "Meet the Bloggers" and come by and say hi.